Why I'm reading Nightwing and Why You Should be Too!

In a world full of dark knight books it's refreshing to see a Bat Family character embracing the light.

Dick Grayson, Nightwing, has always been a character that I've enjoyed. He's someone who is able to have fun and enjoy life while still being a badass crime fighter. In the latest issues of Nightwing: Leaping into the light by Tom Taylor with art by Bruno Rodondo, we see Dick struggling with the loss of Alfred and settling back into his role as defender of bludhaven. 

A mix of mystery, intrigue and genuine heart, Tom Taylor is doing a tremendous job balancing drama, comedy and action. Bruno Redonds is turning out page after page of amazing visuals. This Nightwing book is a great read for anyone who wants to see a character that has been through a lot of darkness finally start to find some light again. I highly recommend picking up the Nightwing Vol. 01 trade paperback and catching up on this great new series. 

 Nightwing Vol. One trade paperback is now available in comic shops and digitally. Be sure to pick up your copy today! Thanks for reading!

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